Friday, April 10, 2009

I am a TOTAL cheater...

Growing up whenever we went to a diner with the fam, there was a good chance that my daddy would order an open-faced sandwich with mashed potatoes (especially, it seemed, when we were on a road trip)... and since I wanted to be just like my daddy pretty much ALWAYS, I usually did too.
Years ago, when The Hub and I were engaged, I discovered On-Cor brand frozen family sized turkey and gravy - and it was VERY inexpensive. We used to have it at least once a month, but it has been years now since I grabbed a package for us... Until last week at the grocery, that is.
I had a feeling The H was getting sick of pannini style sammies, but I like having the fixings for some sort of easy sandwich around for those nights when even the smallest effort feels HUGE.
And it is still very inexpensive.

So I cut a mini-loaf of sourdough bread in half and loaded it up with the thin-sliced turkey and gravy goodness. The Hub had green beans with his (out of the can, he doesn't like fresh ones... I just don't get it...) and I had a big salad (I swear, I could eat salad with every meal)...
I admit it.. it was good... long live the open-faced, smothered sammie...

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