Thursday, April 9, 2009

HEY - a full freezer is more efficient anyway

This is my freezer:

I have had several people ask me lately if I have an extra freezer for all the stockpiling I do and the short answer is "no"... (The longer answer being something about how The Treehouse is just not big enough to house any more freezing space, and that I am not sure I would get one if I had room since it is just The Hub and me right now...)

However, I have a packed freezer pretty much ALL THE TIME. It had been a bit less full until I discovered that Safeway in our area has b/s chicken breast for $1.77 a pound right now.. The foil packets in the big freezer bags (bottom right) are 12 packets of 2 breasts each... The black containers are steaks from the recent Target coupon making Sutton and Dodge beef easy to find for around $0.25-0.60 a package... and wedged every where are the mini loaves of bread from Target, free with the coupon from their website recently...

The one thing I am not so proud of is that stack of Banquet meals... The Hub is at home every day for lunch now, and I simply refuse to argue with him about what he wants to eat.. I am not going to draw attention to the fact that he is no longer out visiting accounts and taking guys to lunch and eating what he wants by forcing some healthy or boring or unappealing lunch on him if he doesn't want it. So I get him the cheapy lunches that he will eat... and I work that expense in to my food budget... /rant

The door of the freezer is really NOT the best place to store things you want to truly stay frozen... I store ice packs and extra ice, extra coffee, and other things that I am not so concerned about in the door...

It only LOOKS scary... everything in there is actually right in it's very own place...

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