Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sneaky Veggies + healthy family

The Hub doesn't really "do" veggies... not the ones that are really good for you anyway. So I have to sneak things in sometimes. For instance, you can obviously see the zucchini here on my plate (above) from last night's spaghetti. HOWEVER, The Hub would never eat that - but what he doesn't know is that all of those flecks of green in the sauce are not basil, most are actually the finely chopped fresh spinach I tossed into the sauce along with browned lean ground turkey, a bit of basil, and some crushed red pepper. HA HA, Take that Mr. Picky Eater Man!!
Just toss the spinach in OFF of the heat and right before serving, otherwise it starts to give up a lot of water and can make the sauce too watery.
(Incidentally, mine with the zucchini was DELICIOUS, and adding veggies cuts down on the amount of actual pasta I am eating...)

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