Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Secrets to making anything yummy: #1

Grill it! I was blessed last year when we discovered the CharBroil Electric Patio Caddie, after months of research trying to find a grill we could actually have on the patio in our highrise.. Fire codes don't allow any Charcoal, and only a propane canister, not a tank...
I didn't want some outdoor version of the George Forman I already had in my kitchen...

Enter the Patio Caddie... it is an open grill with a heating element below where the Charcoal would normally be..

It is awesome! (Although the 1st version of the heating element was prone to problems, as I found out when it went kaput on me at the end of last summer). They have an updated element now, and I am cooking again!

Everything tastes better on the grill. Simple chicken that The H gets so easily bored with is given new life when grilled - he loves it!

And tonight, a whole new level: my favorite meal for when I am alone for the evening, a panini with goat cheese and tomatoes... tonight I cooked it on the grill and culinary perfection was achieved...

Soooooo gooooood..... Just a simple sandwich of plain goat cheese, tomato with some basil, and a spray of olive oil cooking spray, but Oh. My. God. Paired with my icy Pinot Gris - It was simplicity perfected....

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Woot! Glad you're doing the food blog. I request links to recipes for each menu item :) -schoolsout